Tech­ni­cal Ser­vice


About the GTÜ Technical Service

On 23 December 2009, GTÜ was accredited and designated as a technical service by the German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA). The Technical Service works, for example, on behalf of vehicle manufacturers, vehicle parts manufacturers and importers, and deals with vehicle homologation. It also carries out EU type approvals on motor vehicles (individual vehicles and types), systems, components and separate technical units. The GTÜ Technical Service is a designated technical service for all vehicle categories for complete vehicles.

For this purpose, the Technical Service draws up the necessary test reports and, if desired, also communicates with the authorities. With more than 420 test procedures, all vehicle classes and most systems as well as components can be type-approved on the basis of European legislation. On the basis of the expert opinions issued by our authorised signatories, they can be granted an operating permit. Over 700 authorised signatories offer individual vehicle approvals throughout Germany.

Since the liberalisation of Section 21 StVZO (German Road Traffic Licensing Regulations) including Section 19 (2) StVZO in March 2019, the Technical Service also performs tasks for “full appraisals” and “individual approvals”. This includes, for example, tuning vehicles, imported used cars and also vehicles that no longer have registration papers.

The technical services are classified into different activity categories. The GTÜ Technical Service is designated in all categories and thus has the competence to do the following:

  • Carry out tests in their own facilities or in those of manufacturers or third parties
  • Supervise tests in the manufacturer’s facilities or in those of a third party
  • Carry out initial assessments
  • Monitor the manufacturer’s procedures to monitor and control the conformity of production (CoP = Conformity of Production).
  • Supervise and conduct conformity of production (CoP) audits.

With us, you will receive all these services from one single source. This will save you time and money.

For the specific scope of designation, please refer to our KBA designation certificate.

Ve­hi­cle test­ing and ho­molo­ga­tion

We offer type approvals, the ABE (general vehicle type approval) for very small electric vehicles and vehicle types, full expert opinions, individual acceptance and individual approvals for new vehicles

Go to ve­hi­cle test­ing

Com­po­nent test­ing

The GTÜ’s Technical Service offers EU type approval for components, ECE approvals, parts certificates and the ABE (general vehicle type approval) for vehicle parts.

Go to com­po­nent test­ing

Tech­ni­cal Ser­vice Cat­e­go­ry C

GTÜ is a Category C Technical Service designated by the KBA (Federal Motor Transport Authority): Certification of QM systems for type approval procedures

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Ref­er­ence cus­tomers

Some of our customers with whom we carry out various projects

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Di­rec­tives & reg­u­la­tions

Over­view of current EU di­rec­tives, EU reg­u­lations and ECE reg­u­lations

Go to the di­rec­tives